Back At The Funny Farm | Motorhead |

Back At The Funny Farm

Testo Back At The Funny Farm

Hammer pounding in my heart, I think it‘s gonna burst
Spring unwinding in my head, I don‘t know which is worse
I hear ya talkin‘ but the words are kinda strange
One of us is crazy and the other one‘s insane

Stay calm, don‘t be alarmed, it‘s just a holiday
Back at the funny farm

Nothin‘ in this cold white room to help me recognise
I don‘t understand why everyone is in disguise
I gotta live right now, I can‘t stay here no more
But I‘m afraid to try in case they‘ve locked the door

Can‘t find the windows but I gotta get outside
Can you help me stand it feels like both my legs have died
What was that injection, ‘cos I think it‘s goin‘ wrong
I really like this jacket but the sleeves are much too long


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